Our Daily Program

At SHBASC, our daily routines are designed to meet the needs of individual children. We actively implement an open-ended program based on children’s continuing interests. This allows opportunities for children to play, explore and develop new skills and theories and is appropriate to the developmental and leisure needs of the children. Children are encouraged to participate in this process by completing surveys and speaking with staff. The current week’s program can be viewed on the notice board at the Centre as well as on the Centre’s website. Below is a typical day at the Centre.
7:00am Centre Opens, breakfast is served and free play begins, along with the provisioning of programmed activities.
8:00am Breakfast finishes
8:45am Morning craft is packed away and clean up begins
8:50am Roll Call and Headcount procedures are implemented
9:00am Children in years 1-6 are signed out and walk to the school playground (supervision is taken over by teachers).
9:15am Kindergarten children are walked up to their rooms
9:25am Centre Closes.
3:25pm Children walk to the BASC room, wash hands and split into 3 roll call groups (k-1, 2-3, 4-6). Children’s names are marked off the roll during roll call and daily announcements are made. A headcount is performed to ensure all children are accounted for, and parents are phoned for any missing children.
3:30pm Afternoon tea is served.
4:00pm Children can do homework, quiet craft or reading activities inside. Outdoor area is opened for free play or implementation of structured activities.
5:30pm Pack up indoor and outdoor areas
5:45pm Children can participate in a group activity or quiet activities such as board games, reading, drawing,
6:00pm Centre closes